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The Colors of Grey

         “The Colors of Grey" is a photographic project that transcends the conventional boundaries of black and white, exposing the color vibrancy within the spectrum of grey. In a world marked by diversity and complexity, this project aims to explore the myriad colors that converge to create the subtle shades of grey in our everyday lives.

As we navigate the intricacies of modern life, "The Colors of Grey" serves as a visual narrative, prompting viewers to reflect on the nuanced layers that define our society. From the vivid expressions of individuality to the muted tones of shared struggles, the project unveils a rich tapestry of human connections and societal dynamics.

In a time where polarizations often dominate the narrative, this photographic exploration becomes a testament to the beauty found in unity and understanding. The greys depicted in the project are not a symbol of ambiguity but rather a celebration of the intricate blend of colors that compose our shared human experience.

"The Colors of Grey" transcends the realm of art to become a social commentary, encouraging dialogue and fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse perspectives that coexist in our communities. By acknowledging the richness within the greys, this project inspires a collective effort to build bridges, embrace differences, and navigate the complexities of our interconnected world with empathy and openness.

*The complete portfolio is not available online.


        'Selfies' is een serie zelfportretten die de belangrijkste momenten in mijn persoonlijke and depict inner life. A form of communication through reflection and externalization, whispered in the silence of dark tones. The works presented loosely define a beginning, the beginning of a road, but not the length and the end, because they are unknown. The technical creation of the works is diverse, in large, medium, 35mm and digital format.

*The complete portfolio is not available online.

Six years

Films shown in 2011 developed after six years.

*The complete portfolio is not available online.

Silhouettes At Night

*The complete portfolio is not available online.

View, up.

Smurf's perspective


*The complete portfolio is not available online.


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